silver shamrock
that was the best foamy cartoon ever... have my babies.
Your place or mine? ;)
well done
though i really hate that song :)
you're so cool and badass.
The Show So Far......
Hello. The Show So Far. Well it all started with the organist losing his clothes as he sat down at the organ, and after this had happened and we had seen the titles of the show we saw Biggles dictating a leter to his secretary who thought he was Spanish and who he referred to as a 'harlot' and a 'woman of the night' although she preferred to be called a 'courtesan'. Then we saw some people trying to climb a road in Uxbridge and then there were some cartoons and then some lifeboat men came into a woman's sitting room and after a bit the woman went out to buy some cakes on a lifeboat and then a naval officer jumped into the sea. Then we saw a man telling us about storage jars from Bolivia and then there were some more cartoons and then a man told us about what had happened on the show so far and a great hammer came and hit him on the head. (confused) I don't remember that!
Bat Boy Escapes!
The ocean is a desert with its underground and the perfect disguise above.
you captured the spirit of drving from San Diego,Ca to St George, Utah in a 1971 Plymouth Duster during the dog days of summer.
Actually I like ivies, philodendrens and rubber trees.
oic <3
StrawberryMock is Ming of the Mortal.
Joined on 3/3/02